Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hospital visit

My little dude wasn't feeling well. He had a high temperature. I let him "sleep it off" and then I woke him to give some fluids to him. Dh took the other chit'lins to a park so I could take care of little dude. We were sitting on our couch and I had a cold compress on him. He took a drink of water and then his head fell to the side. Both of his hands came up into a "claw" position. I knew something wasn't right. I turned little dude towards me and his eyes were wide and fixed, his body was totally stiff.
The quirky part of this story/experience is.... right before Dh left with the other chit'lins I went to our kitchen sink and got a drink of water for myself. The telephone was near the sink. Just for your information, I'm notorious for "misplacing" the telephone. I put it everywhere around our humble abode. I leave it in the laundry room, by the front door and I'm known for putting it in laundry baskets full of laundry! As I was getting my drink-o-water I thought to myself, "it would be so funny if I put the phone in the cupboard with the drink cups!" I seriously thought to myself that it would be hilarious to put the phone in the cupboard! So, I put the phone in the cupboard with the cups. Now to continue the story...
Little dude's body was totally stiff. I ran into the kitchen and by the time I got into the kitchen he was seizing. I put him on the kitchen floor and I knew immediately he was having a febrile seizure. What I didn't know was how long the seizure would last and what other occurrences were going to happen. I decided once little dude started to turn blue that I needed to call 911. I went to the ever so funny spot of my cupboard and got the telephone and dialed 911. I'm just so happy/thankful that I didn't have to waste time finding the phone. I put it in such a memorable place! So, I call 911 and I swear it took them 10 rings to answer! I promise you... I even looked at the phone twice to see if it was working and that I was dialing the right number! The operator answers and I immediately tell her my little dude was having a febrile seizure, he was blue and it had been about 2 minutes. I gave her my address. She said help was on the way. Right after we got the "formalities" out of the way, like my address and what was happening. I asked the 911 operator what I needed to do because he was now turning dark blue. Dark blue to purple and then his eyes rolled into the back of his head. At the point when he was purple and his eyes rolled, I shouted to the operator and said.... "YOU have to tell me what to do, NOW!" The operator just kept on saying, help is on the way... they will be there soon. I lost it at that point and I decided I needed to do rescue breaths on my little dude. I tilted his head back and parted his lips and started to breath into his mouth. The operator on the phone became concerned because it was quiet, I wasn't asking, "tell me what to do" anymore. She yelled at me to STOP doing CPR. I then told her I wasn't doing CPR. At that moment as I was laying over little dude I looked up at our front door and I saw the fireman at the door. They ran in and quickly got my little dude taken care of.
Little dude and I took a ride in the ambulance. Another interesting event that happened was when they said that Isaac had to go to the hospital in the ambulance, the EMT had to break it down for me as to what to get. He said, first get your shoes. Get your purse and now get your phone. I was thankful he was wise enough to see that I overloaded by the situation and I just needed a little push. When we walked outside to get into the ambulance I had tunnel vision. I couldn't see out of my right or left peripheral vision. I wasn't bothered by it because my goal was to get little dude to the hospital.
We got to the hospital and I totally forgot to call DH. It wasn't even a thought that he might need to be informed about everything that had occurred. However, we have great neighbors that got in contact with DH  and he and the chit'lins walked into the emergency room not knowing who or why we were there.
Little dude spent the night in the hospital and was also diagnosed with pneumonia.
 ALL is well and he was discharged the following day.
What a story!
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Lisa said...

OH My Gosh...what a scary experience! I am so glad that everything is okay. Sending my prayers to you and your family!!!

Another Piece Of Chocolate said...

Oh Emily, I am balling reading this - how terrifying!!! I am so sorry you and your little one had this experience. I am praying for him right now and I am feeling an immediate sense of peace. May you never have that experience again!

Melanie said...

What a brave woman you are! I would have FREAKED out to say the least. From your words you sounded like you were very in control with the situation! I am so glad that the little guy is okay!

The Shermans said...

You are wonder woman! Of course you would do anything for your little dude. So glad all worked out. Your a hero!

RhubarbLady said...

Emily, we're with everyone else, praying that everything is okay now. And that you hopefully will never have to repeat such an experience! Thank goodness for trained fireman and EMT's but I'm upset it took them so long on the 911 call to both pick-up and to tell you what to do!
We're very happy you ended with all is well.

Daniel & Molly Smith said...

That is so scary! Thank goodness for EMT's and firemen! I would have totally freaked out! We are praying for you guys!

Catherine said...

glad the dude is doing well. Hope you're all doing well too.